"Call of the Scenic River"

Call of the Scenic River: An Ohio Journey is the story of Ohio’s most natural waterways, told by those who appreciate their splendor, and work to protect and preserve them for future generations.  Although few people realize that Ohio was the first state to declare a Scenic Rivers Program in March of 1968, Ohio's program continues to lead river conservation because of it's respect of private property, it's commitment to designating the most ecologically intact systems, and it's popular volunteer opportunities.

Released on the 40th anniversary year of the Clean Water Act, this film follows Ohio filmmaker Tom Mayor’s journey as he experiences Ohio’s Scenic Rivers, and learns first-hand about non-point-source pollution, and the ecological and economic impacts of water quality. Filmed by veteran Ohio cinematographers, Mike King and Adam White, with underwater footage by Tom Mayor, the film captures the stunning and natural beauty of the rivers, while featuring the historical perspective of water quality and the modern conditions that affect these watershed eco-systems. Though a widely publicized issue, the public as a whole remains unaware of the impact they have on water quality. Individuals can make a difference in their own watershed by becoming educated and responsible, offering hope for all streams.  Ohio’s rivers and lakes are a valuable economic resource for eco-tourism, and the state is also a leader in biological indexing, — testing water quality by identifying natural species present in specific habitats — which supports the multi-million dollar a year sport fisheries. The protection of Ohio’s surface waters is a complex issue, one we must each address if we are to preserve them for future generations, at the same time, ensure that the waters are safe to drink and recreate in today.

Answer the call, and take this wonderful journey for yourself. Buy 10 or more DVD's and get FREE SHIPPING! 

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If you would like to have a screening or sell DVD copies of the Call of the Scenic River to raise funds for your organization, contact us and we'll tell you how. Contact Aaron Rourke by phone, 513.761.4003, or email.